Engaging Children Worldwide

PICC was founded in 2016 as a means to engage children with conservation in Madagascar. The restrictions imposed during the COVID pandemic moved us in a positive direction and resulted in a widely expanded online network for PICC opportunities. In addition to Madagascar we now support local communities and Indigenous leadership in Panama, Rwanda and Uganda. Also, a program and new book has been developed for a remote area of the Brazilian Amazon. We are happy to help you develop our programs in areas with primates at risk – reach out and tell us about the endangered primates in your area of concern!

Teachers are an important part of our program and we want them to learn alongside the children so that the learning can be sustainable. Some teachers find that the lessons help in surprising ways!

Last year, my 2/3rd grade class drew in their field journals for several weeks afterwards.  Each morning, we went outside for 10 minutes before class started. They really enjoyed it and it helped start our day in a more peaceful way.” ~Mandy, Panama, Rwanda