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We are excited about the success of our 2023 PICC programs in Madagascar, Uganda, and Panama, working towards conservation in lemurs, mountain gorillas and endangered monkeys! We’re looking forward to supporting the Indigenous PICC team members that are continuing these educational opportunities with our support, and are developing other future programs.

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Donate to: PICC Azuero Panama

Donate to: PICC Uganda

Donate to PICC Madagascar

Photography Inspiring Children in Conservation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization (EIN 85-0519766). All donations are tax deductible (in the USA) and 100% of your donations will go towards these projects.


      • Collaborate with the local communities to celebrate their relationship with their ecosystem and endangered wildlife;

      • Provide a platform to share traditional ecological knowledge, empowering future generations in conservation issues and solutions;

      • Enact both immediate and long-term appreciation of primates and protected areas;

      • Give children new skills they can use after the program is finished – in communications, photography and illustration, skills that can be used to develop careers in conservation and tourism;

      • Provide equipment to remain onsite and paid local personnel to assist the students and teachers in sustainable learning.
      • Encourage professional work in eco-guiding by providing supplies such as binoculars, field guides, etc


    See here for project descriptions and contact us if you are interested in directing your support to a specific project.

    MadagascarOur goals are to provide teaching materials and supplies as well as the Malagasy staff’s salary, to continue conducting PICC programs. Thanks to those that have already donated, our Malagasy team member, Pascal, was able to conduct more PICC sessions in 2023 with children, teachers and elders from AmbodiforahaMarofototra, and Maroantsetra. Thank you!

    Uganda: An updated gorilla conservation coloring book was published in 2023 and transported to community leaders in 2 Ugandan communities. Partnering with the Rafiki Memorial Wildlife Conservation Initiative, we continue to support the students as they use the DSLR camera that was provided in 2022 and another camera donated in 2023. We are excited about the amazing opportunities they are finding to take photos of mountain gorillas and other animals and people in their community. Thanks to so many of you supporting us, we are headed back to Uganda in just a couple of weeks and will be developing skills and knowledge in these and some new communities.

    Thanks to a generous in-kind donation of a used camera, we were able to provide the student guides-in-training in Rwenshama with a DSLR Canon camera and zoom lens.  If you are interested in donating equipment which you are no longer using, please get in touch!

    We are planning 2024 sessions for the Rafiki art students (Buhoma) and the BACHO-K students (Rwenshama), expanding on the student’s knowledge and skills in art, photography, conservation, and communication.

    Rwanda: We are headed to Rwanda this summer! We will be working with a local conservation partner to hold a photography workshop for students and staff. We will also be working with some schools that border the Volcanoes National Park, home of a population of mountain gorillas.

    PanamaA number of highly endangered primates live in on the Azuero Peninsula, and PICC programs were held in 2023 here, here and here with local children, teachers and communities.  Plans are being developed for sessions in 2024!



    If you’d like to contribute, please select the “Donate” button and send us your contribution directly.  Please make a note if you’d like your donation to go to a specific PICC program. We appreciate all levels of financial support! If you’d like to make an in-kind donation, please contact us to share your idea.

    Photography Inspiring Children in Conservation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization (EIN 85-0519766). All donations are tax deductible (in the USA) and 100% of your donations will go towards these projects.


    We are partially funded with a grant from the American Society of Primatologists.


    We would like to acknowledge an extremely generous donation from an anonymous donor of a new DSLR camera (Canon EOS Rebel T6, 75-300mm lens) in order to provide participating students with permanent access to a camera after their PICC session is completed. This enables the students to continue to be engaged with the local biodiversity and provides them with opportunities to share conservation messages through local publications and online through the PICC website. Thank you for this amazing gift that will make the children’s conservation efforts sustainable!!