Learning Activities

PICC Coloring Books

Five editions in English and Spanish, Lukiga, Portuguese or Malagasy. See Coloring Books here.


 Gibbon Conservation Activity Books
  • Download free books and coloring pages (in English and Indonesian) to learn about small ape conservation through the IUCN Section on Small Apes. Gibbons are beautiful, interesting, and endangered members of the ape family!
Become a Pangolin Guardian
  • 15 minute free course – you can join the global community of #PangolinGuardians who are working together to save this species!
 Lemur Conservation Activities
  • Download a free, beautiful, bilingual English-Malagasy poster about lemurs. Promote conservation of Madagascar’s unique biodiversity!
  • Help lemur conservation organizations by hosting a Lemur Bounce fundraiser with your school or group of friends! The materials are even provided to you to make it super easy! (Thank you, Money for Madagascar!) Yes, even with shelter-in-place you can still make a difference!
 Other Lemur Conservation Resources


  • Thinking of being an ecotourist to see the lemurs? Consider these points to be part of lemur conservation solutions. Read this Culture Trip blog
  • Eyes of the World Films — Andasibe. Excellent film documenting the hurdles of conservation in Madagascar for educators and students looking for more information about the complicated conservation issues in Madagascar. 
  • Lemur Conservation Network where you can volunteer and find more resources on learning and teaching about lemurs.
  • IUCN SOS Lemur Initiative. Pools funds from donors and disburses them in grants to Madagascar-based grassroots conservation groups, ensuring every conservation dollar is used to its potential through careful project management by lemur experts.
  • Red Book Challenge. A children’s conservation program started in 2011 by Dr. Amber Walker-Bolton with the goal of promoting conservation education in rural Madagascar.


Sustainable Communities in Madagascar



Please contact us to add other lemur conservation resources that you support.

  • Download a free, beautiful, bilingual English-Malagasy poster about lemurs. Promote conservation of Madagascar’s unique biodiversity!
  • Help lemur conservation organizations by hosting a Lemur Bounce fundraiser with your school or group of friends! The materials are even provided to you to make it super easy! (Thank you, Money for Madagascar!) Yes, even with shelter-in-place you can still make a difference!